In 2018, nearly 400,000 families banked their child's cord blood.
According to the Parent's Guide to Cord Blood, in 2018, nearly 400,000 expecting parents in the United States saved their baby’s stem cells. These stem cells are approved to treat more than 80 medical conditions, including lymphoma and leukemia. They are being explored as a treatment for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, autism, cerebral palsy, and many more.

There's More to Saving Stem Cells Than Just Cord Blood Banking
While saving cord blood gives your child immediate access to FDA-approved treatment opportunities for close to 100 medical conditions (including leukemia and lymphomas), umbilical cord tissue banking and placental tissue banking have shown promise in advanced clinical trials for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including: brain and spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart conditions, and even some neurological disorders such as autism.
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Plan for a Healthier Future
Make the right choice and partner with Americord to bank your child's life-saving stem cells and support your child for their entire life.