What are Newborn Stem Cells?

Stem Cell Basics
Stem cells, with their remarkable capacity to transform into various cell types like blood, bone, and muscle cells, are pivotal in the growth, development, and tissue repair within organisms. These innate cells hold the key to treating a multitude of conditions and diseases, transforming modern medicine with regenerative therapy options - offering families hope for the future of their health.
Types of Newborn Stem Cells
Newborn stem cells derived from cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue offer a rich source of stem cells with immense therapeutic potential. These cells can be broadly categorized into two main types: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

What Can Stem Cells be Used to Treat?

All in the Family
When you bank your baby’s stem cells, your baby is protected from day one. For the rest of their life, they will have access to health treatments and therapies that they otherwise would not have. Your baby's stem cells may be able to treat various forms of cancer, autism, cerebral palsy, diabetes, and more. Many promising new uses are constantly being discovered and researched.

Brothers & Sisters

Mom & Dad


Aunts & Uncles

Your Future Grandchildren
Be Prepared for the Unknown.