Pregnancy & Parenting

Navigate the incredible journey of pregnancy and parenting with expert insights, helpful tips, and valuable resources. From prenatal care to early childhood development, we are your trusted companion for all things related to growing and nurturing your family.

Drinking wine while pregnant americord

The Pregnant Wine Dilemma: How Much is Actually Safe?

Is a glass or a sip of red wine actually safe during pregnancy? Is wine even an alcohol? Make informed decisions for safest and better development of your baby.

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Finding out im pregnant americord

Just Found Out You’re Pregnant? Here’s Your Ultimate Guide

Suspecting you might be pregnant? Stay confident, prepared, and supported as you navigate this life-changing adventure.

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Maternity leave how to prepare americord

How to Prepare for Maternity Leave

It's almost time to welcome your newborn to the world, so that means it's time to start preparing for maternity leave.

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Mom newborn baby connection americord

What To Do With Your Placenta After Birth

Let's talk about the importance of post-birth options for the placenta. Whether you choose to keep your placenta, preserve it for the future, or donate it - there are numerous options.

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Newborn baby laying on bed smiling up at mom holding hands.

What is the Apgar Test

What is an Apgar test and what do different scores mean? Learn about the Apgar test, what it measures, and its scoring system in this article from Americord®.

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A graphic of a baby head and a medical shot.

How to Choose a Pediatrician

Finding the right doctor is essential for your child's health and well-being. Browse these tips from Americord® for choosing a pediatrician for your newborn.

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A healthcare provider examining and monitoring pregnancy progress of a pregnant woman.

The Power Of The Placenta: Facts and Benefits After Birth

Hospitals often throw away the placenta after birth, however there are so many healing components hiding in there. Let's talk the power of the placenta!

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A happy couple receiving medical advice from a doctor at a desk.

The Importance of Preconception Care

Preconception care ensures future families are prepared for a healthy pregnancy. Invest in your future child's health with stem cell storage at Americord®.

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A plane soaring above the world, exploring new horizons.

Your Baby's First Vacation: How to Prepare and What to Consider

Your baby has arrived, but summer is right around the corner. We're here to help you plan and be prepared for you first family vacation with a newborn.

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