ViaCord vs. Americord
Americord vs Viacord, which is the better private cord blood bank for your family? ViaCord is one of the biggest cord blood banking companies doing business today and is owned by a global healthcare conglomerate, PerkinElmer, Inc.
Ask the Consumer
However, ViaCord’s reputation with their clients isn’t great. Numerous complaints have been filed with the Better Business Bureau against ViaCord, including misrepresentation of prices, problems with products and services, and billing and collection issues. ViaCord also had a lawsuit filed against them for making false and misleading claims on their website, which they were forced to change.
Quality, Not Salesmanship
At Americord, we believe that quality and innovation come before salesmanship. All our claims, on our website and elsewhere, are accurate and verifiable. We don’t spend a lot of money on maintaining a large sales force. All the money that ViaCord expends on sales and marketing comes at a cost to you, the consumer, in the form of higher prices and hidden fees.
At Americord, we hold to the highest standards and are accredited by leading medical agencies, including the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). Our experienced team is headed by Dr. Robert Dracker, one of the foremost experts in the world of stem cell banking and an architect of the New York State Cord Blood Stem Cell Guidelines.
By partnering with leading institutions and research scientists, we continually develop groundbreaking cord blood banking technologies. Our latest innovation is the revolutionary Cord Blood 2.0, which enables parents to store up to twice the number of stem cells as traditional cord blood banking.
We believe that quality and innovation come before salesmanship.
ViaCord may seem to have a lower price than Americord at first glance, but those annual fees add up over time.
You can check out how Americord's prices compare to other private cord blood banks.

- Cord Blood Registry Reports Partial Victory: Competitor Viacord Removes Challenged Claims From Its Web Site Following Lawsuit for False and Misleading Advertising; Cord Blood Registry; PRNewswire. San Bruno Calif., March 21.
- Guidelines for Collection, Processing, and Storage of Cord Blood Stem Cells, Second Edition, March 2013; Wadworth, New York Health Department.
The views, statements, and pricing expressed are deemed reliable as of the published date. Articles may not reflect current pricing, offerings, or recent innovations.