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A heart-shaped icon with a pulsating line representing a heartbeat, symbolizing vitality and life.

Unveiling the Future: How Newborn Health Screening can Shape Your Child’s Health

Newborn health screening is a crucial first step in determining the health of your newborn baby. With tests like myNewborn by Americord, insights are boundless.

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Healthcare provider  gently holds a patient's hand offering reassurance.

Stem Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s

Stem cell therapy has shown promising results for Parkinson's. Using cord blood can be a non-invasive and effective way to help family members. Learn more here.

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Female scientist performing a laboratory testing.

Genetic Testing for Adoptees: Is it Worthwhile?

Is clinical genetic testing for adoptees worth it? Click here to learn about this procedure and its benefits. Contact Americord for newborn genetic testing.

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Picture depicting the words FDA APPROVE on a white background.

Top 10 FDA-Approved Treatments Using Cord Blood Stem Cells

Cord blood stem cells are FDA-approved to treat over 80 conditions and diseases. Americord breaks down the Top 10 Treatments using cord blood stem cells today.

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A plane soaring above the world, exploring new horizons.

Your Baby's First Vacation: How to Prepare and What to Consider

Your baby has arrived, but summer is right around the corner. We're here to help you plan and be prepared for you first family vacation with a newborn.

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A woman delicately holds a liver cut out in her hand.

Cord Blood for Liver Disease Therapy

Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that uses stem cells to treat, manage, or prevent a medical condition.

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A person gently touches the forehead of a peacefully sleeping baby on a bed.

How to Determine if Your Newborn is Sick

Learn how to determine if your baby is sick, signs to look for, and know when to seek medical attention.

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FDA Approved logo.

Omisirge: A Groundbreaking Advancement in Cord Blood Stem Cell Treatment

FDA approval of Omisirge expands the potential of cord blood stem cell therapies by increasing stem cell counts, creating more possibility for more patients.

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A checklist icon with a check mark symbolizing completion, representing a task or goal being successfully accomplished.

Delivery Checklist: 5 Things You Didn't Know You Needed

It's time to welcome your newborn, but what will make the delivery process easier? Use our delivery checklist to make sure you're bringing all the essentials!

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